Waking up above the spruce forest, eye level with the dormant giants that are the rough-cut, dramatic Dolomites peaks, lurking in the morning fog, is a sight to be seen at least once in a lifetime.
Such a scenery, such an immersion in Nature that floods your senses with calm and peace, can be fully experienced at FORESTIS, a hotel retreat surrounded by Nature, where you can feel how, in the grand scheme of the world, time really just stands still during the short breath that our lives are. DISCOVER

The whole experience at Forestis - your room, the food, the spa, the outdoor activities - connects you tighter to Nature. The soft and natural tones, the ever-present forest scents, the low mountain light, the ecoes of water around the spa, all give you a flooding sense of relaxation, of fully fitting in.

A retreat to get back to when we seek comfort and calm